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Category Tabular / Analysis Services

Near Realtime Refresh in Power BI (single table)

A perfect data model, well designed and fast as an in-memory Power BI dataset.

But now you would also like to input other small data, e.g. Comments, this data goes back to the data warehouse - but unfortunately we will not see it in the report until tomorrow ...

Der „Burger“ hebt ab in die Cloud!

Seit über 10 Jahren hat sich der „Microsoft BI Stack“ als integrierte, stabile und günstige Bussines Intelligence Lösung etabliert und wird in zahlosen Unternehmen eingesetzt.

Time for a renewal, the cloud is waiting with modernity, scalability and cost savings.

How do you test 1,000 users on Power BI? [Part 2]

After a detailed test with up to 750 simultaneous queries to Power BI Premium, the results should now be evaluated.
How well does PBI do and how does AAS do?

„Composite“ ist da – VORSICHT!

Das Power BI „Composite“-Modell ist da!
The community is in ecstatic euphoria, including me. We had burning desire for it, waited a long time, voted for it.
But, Caution...

How to test 1.000 User in Power BI [Part 1]

A long project comes to an end, over many months a new data warehouse was built, analysis models created and reports built - and now the end users can hardly wait to finally use their reports with the cool Power BI ...
What happens if 1,000 users access it at the same time?
Will the system collapse?

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