All about data...

Tag azure

How is my turnover? Forecasting with machine learning

How will my new financial year be?
Can sales developments be foreseen?
We can consult the Oracle!
Or we use some data science magic.

Kitchen Streaming

A new streaming service?
A new cooking show?
Nein, hier geht es um Data Streaming.
It explains how sensor data can be displayed in real time in a report and also saved for later analysis or machine learning.

Realtime web app in 3 days - is that possible?

Die Wahlbehörde hätte gerne kurzfristig ein öffentliches Realtime-Dashboard.
There are 3 days for a solution!
Is that possible?

Near Realtime Refresh in Power BI (single table)

A perfect data model, well designed and fast as an in-memory Power BI dataset.

But now you would also like to input other small data, e.g. Comments, this data goes back to the data warehouse - but unfortunately we will not see it in the report until tomorrow ...

How do you test 1,000 users on Power BI? [Part 2]

After a detailed test with up to 750 simultaneous queries to Power BI Premium, the results should now be evaluated.
How well does PBI do and how does AAS do?

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